ChildWindow Positioning

Silverlight ChildWindow is centered over the parent control. I have extended ChildWindow to open it at a specific position.

Positioned ChildWindow
Positioned ChildWindow

Here is a live demo : childwindow-positioning-demo

And here is the code :

public partial class ChildWindowEx : ChildWindow

    Point _pt = new Point(0,0);

    public ChildWindowEx()

    public ChildWindowEx(Point pt) : this()
        _pt = pt;            

    protected override Size ArrangeOverride(Size finalSize)
        Grid grid = Utils.FindChild(this, "ContentRoot");

        if (grid != null)
            grid.Arrange(new Rect(_pt.X, _pt.Y, grid.DesiredSize.Width, grid.DesiredSize.Height));
            return finalSize;

        return base.ArrangeOverride(finalSize);

Visual Studio 2010 Solution : download

WPF – LINQ to SQL Sample

This exercise in binding a WPF ListView control with LINQ to SQL was a lot of fun ! The following image shows data from AdventureWorks sample database displayed in the ListView control. The end result is very admirable, even in this very basic demo. Feeling a complete sense of freedom is unavoidable when working with WPF.


This sample demonstrates :

  1. LINQ to SQL mapping.
  2. WPF ListView Control DataBinding.
  3. Displaying images stored in database as varbinary in WPF control.

The sample code can be downloaded here : WPF-LINQ to SQL Sample
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