
Version Aware Database Schema Deployment

Download : DbUpdater v 1.4 (License:GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3))

Copyright © 2008 : Ash Tewari

DbUpdater is a free tool that
helps you implement the database schema version control system
described by K. Scott Allen in this set of articles :

Three rules for database work
The Baseline
Change Scripts
Views, Stored Procedures and the Like
Branching and Merging

Usage :

  1. First read the articles listed above. The file prefix for change
    scripts is “db”, by default. You can change it in the config file.
    DbUpdater supports the baseline script as well as post-scripts.
  2. Make sure the database you are going to put under version control is already created.
  3. Specify the connection string in the DbUpdater.exe.config file. Use the connection_string parameter.
  4. You can use %ServerName%, %DbName%, %UserName% and %Password%
    place-holders. You will specify the values for these in the commandline
    parameters of DbUpdater.exe.
  5. Make sure that the “exe-file” value in the config file is pointing to the program you want to use to execute sql scripts.
  6. Use “exe-args” value to specify commandline parameters for the
    program specified in “exe-file”. %SqlFile% placeholder will be used at
    runtime to pass the sql script file to the program.
  7. Here is a sample commandline to run DbUpdater – DbUpdater.exe SqlScripts /server:(local)\SQLEXPRESS /db:TestDb /confirm:true. “SqlScripts” is the name of the folder where the change scripts are placed (relative to the current directory).
  8. To test drive the program create a database named “TestDb” in the “(local)\SQLExpress” instance and use the included sample-command-line.bat to run DbUpdater. Review the contents of included “SqlScripts” folder.

SQLite is now supported in DbUpdater (from version 1.3 onwards). See this post for details – using-nhibernate-with-sqlite-in-dbupdater .

Other Resources :

Evolutionary Database Design

Bulletproff Sql Change Scripts Using INFORMATION_SCHEMA Views

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